Simplifying Your Practice of Islam: Embracing its Essence with Ease

Misconceptions among many young Muslims often lead them to perceive Islam as a rigid and demanding religion, causing them to distance themselves or even abandon it in their teenage or early adult years.

However, it’s crucial to understand that Islam isn’t about extremity. When practiced in its true essence, it aligns with basic human psychology and nature, making it accessible. This concept is evident in a saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) known as a hadith:

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Religion is very easy, and whoever overburdens himself will not be able to continue in that way. So, do not be extremists, but strive for near perfection and take joy in offering prayers during the designated times.” (Bukhari)

Let’s delve into the main insights from this hadith:

  1. Islam Should Be Approachable:

Islam isn’t meant to burden our lives; rather, it should integrate seamlessly, enhancing our happiness and fulfillment. Neglecting family, health, or well-being in the name of religion contradicts its true essence. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself corrected individuals who neglected their family for excessive prayers, emphasizing balance.

Just as overworking a horse leads to its demise, overstressing ourselves in practicing religion without balance risks the joy of faith. Allah values consistent good deeds, irrespective of their size, forming a foundation for reward in the afterlife. Hence, integrating small daily good deeds into our routines becomes essential.

  1. Perfection Isn’t Expected:

Allah doesn’t expect perfection from humans. The hadith acknowledges that all humans make mistakes; what matters is repentance and progression. Repentance involves recognizing, rectifying, and compensating for mistakes, aiding in character development and progress.

  1. Maintain Positive Hope in Allah:

Expectations shape our interactions with Allah. Having high hopes in His mercy and goodness influences what we receive from Him. Allah’s attributes emphasize compassion and love, outweighing His wrath. Believing that Allah listens to our supplications fosters a positive attitude without fostering complacency.

  1. Prayer Strengthens and Nurtures Patience:

Prayer and patience are interlinked in the Qur’an, emphasizing their natural harmony. Prayer fortifies our faith, while patience prevents succumbing to temptations. Strengthening our belief through prayer and exercising patience help in practicing Islam positively and stress-free.


In summary, finding a balanced approach to practicing Islam is key. It should seamlessly merge with our lives, and we shouldn’t expect perfection. However, maintaining positive expectations in Allah and utilizing prayer to strengthen ourselves are vital aspects of practicing Islam as intended.


Finally, any good shared is from Allah, while any errors are mine, and I seek your forgiveness if any mistakes were made.

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